Late night chats

Created by kenreay3 9 years ago
I only knew Adam for a short time as he appeared in the bed opposite me in Ward 10 at SSDGH in July 2012. He had a bad chest infection and was hoping to get over it so he could go on a planned family holiday. I had a son who was at college the same time as Adam so we were different generations but we got on really well. Particularly late at night when we were both suffering a bit and we cheered each other up with stories from our pasts. He was a lovely thoughtful and intelligent lad. He was discharged before me and I missed his good humour. Luckily I have made a full recovery and can now go for walks on the Lawe Top where by chance I discovered Adam's Memorial Bench and its wonderful view. Go and sit on it and think of a brave and lovely lad.